Dec 22, 2023
Car Battery

How do you know when it’s time for a new car battery? Let’s explore the signs that your battery might be ready for replacement, courtesy of your Lexus dealer.

The Engine Is Cranking Too Slowly

When you turn the key or push the start button, does your engine road to life as it should, or does it crank slowly and take longer than usual to start? This sluggish response is often the first sign of a battery losing its strength. A healthy battery should power up your engine quickly and smoothly.

The Check Engine Light Comes On

The check engine light might feel like a bit of a mystery because it takes some detective work to understand what triggers it. Among other causes, it might be responding to a failing battery, especially if you’ve noticed any other signs of battery trouble.

Electrical Issues

Your Lexus is packed with sophisticated electrical features. If you start noticing your headlights dimming, your windows operating more slowly than usual, or an unresponsive infotainment system, a weakening battery could be struggling to meet its power demands.

Your Battery Is Old

Like many of the components in your car, the battery has a finite lifespan. Most car batteries are only at their best for three to five years. After this period, they tend to lose efficiency. If your Lexus’s battery is around this age, it might be time to start considering a replacement.

You Can See Swelling or Corrosion

Sometimes you pop the hood and immediately notice there’s something wrong with your battery. Maybe you’ve found a white, powdery substance around the battery terminals, or perhaps the battery case looks swollen and bloated. Both corrosion and swelling are signs that your battery is aging or damaged, and in either case, the best course of action is to buy a new one.

You’re Constantly Jump-Starting Your Car

If you find yourself reaching for the jumper cables more than once in a blue moon, your battery is giving you a clear message: it’s struggling to hold a charge. Regular jump-starts are an obvious sign that your battery is nearing the end of its life.

Get a New Car Battery at Your Lexus Dealer

When it’s time for a new battery, selecting the right one for your Lexus is crucial. Batteries come in different sizes, capacities, and types. The experts at the dealership can help you choose the perfect battery that matches your vehicle’s specifications and your driving needs. We’ll also ensure it’s installed correctly and responsibly dispose of your old battery.

Recognizing signs of trouble and acting promptly can save you from the inconvenience of a car that won’t start and potential damage to your vehicle’s sophisticated systems. Call Lexus of Kingsport and schedule a battery service today.